搜索 Roque

  • 葡萄牙电影,入围2017悉尼电影节。幽深的失魂森林,是葡萄牙的自杀胜地。某天,一个想要自杀的老人,遇见了同样求死的女孩。老人和女孩,各自敞开心扉,在赴死的边缘犹豫。接着,画风骤转,女孩把老人切腹,大开杀戒。贯穿全片的一句话是梵高的“悲伤永驻”。
  • 巴黎完美公寓找室友,這回只找 LGBTQ 好朋友。 電影導演克萊蒙跟男友大衛談不攏,大衛要搬去法 國南部工作,克萊蒙只好忍痛分手。大衛前腳才剛 搬出去,克萊蒙和好友亞麗絲就忙著替公寓找室 友。為了找到好住處,小鮮肉雷奧隱瞞性向,讓女 友假扮女同志企圖蒙混過關,然而當真相揭露,愛 情洗牌、情慾輪轉,單身公寓裡的每個人都找到了 新的床…
  • 7分钟HD
    The film takes place in Toulouse and tells the story of Jean, a 55 year-old policeman who discovers his son, Maxime, and his son's boyfriend hanged in a hotel room. The autopsy shows that he died from an overdose of GHB, just seven minutes after his boyfriend. During an evening organized by Maxime's friends, Jean disco…
  •   based on a true story, John Larroquette plays a hotshot executive that ends up in court over a certain charge. He is sentenced to community service. He is assigned to coach a basketball team of mentally handicap citizens. At first, he is…
  •   based on a true story, John Larroquette plays a hotshot executive that ends up in court over a certain charge. He is sentenced to community service. He is assigned to coach a basketball team of mentally handicap citizens. At first, he is…
  •   Birmingham-based police officer DI Rachita Ray takes on a case that forces her to face a lifelong personal conflict.
  •   马修·瓦鲁瓦斯12岁,想要一个爸爸。  玛丽·瓦鲁瓦斯有一个12岁的孩子,一个身兼重任的职位,一个给她安抚的情人,一个她爱的姐姐,一个心理复杂的堂兄,唯独没有马修的父亲。  罗伯特·匹克秃顶,衣服总是堆着不洗,做着中国梦,罩着他的邻居,想找一份稳定的工作。  《爸爸先生》所讲述的,就是在这三者之间即将展开的奇特联系,这…
  • 一位富有中产女性与造船工人偷情,医生丈夫车祸死亡似乎也没有影响他们恋情,当然迫于家人的压力和内心的挣扎,他们短暂地分离,最后终成眷属。