搜索 Bromley

  • <p>  托尼奖获奖百老汇音乐剧《来自远方》(Come from Away)将被改编成电影,The Mark Gordon Company投资制片,原作者、词曲家Irene Sankoff和David Hein将编写剧本,剧版导演克里斯托弗·阿什利也确定执导影片。设定在9·11事件之后,38架飞机意外迫降加拿大纽芬兰与拉布拉多省的小镇Gander,7000名旅客滞留。在被迫停飞的处…
  • 急冻惊魂DVD
    一对年轻的情侣在深夜的狂欢派对结束后开车回家,没想到车子却在漫天风雪的旷野中意外抛锚,迷失方向并且孤立无援的他们,该如何在救援人员赶到前求得一线生机?而此时除了酷寒天候的严峻考验,紧跟在他们身后的神秘足迹,又将给他们带来什么样的致命威胁?零下低温的恐惧袭击,爱情能否战胜生存的本能?  本片改编自震惊全美,曾登上全美各大…
  • Ballard's trail jumpers attack the Wyatt Company wagon train, killing young John's parents and kidnaping his brother, Jim. In post-Civil War California, John Wyatt, now a man, pulls together a vigilante posse, The Singing Riders, who all ride white horses, dress alike, and ride the trails singing and rounding up outlaw…