搜索 范诗然

  • 国产剧爱情
  • 麦克(诺拉·茨切纳NoraTschirner饰)是一位非常平凡的,生活在德国西部的小镇女孩,每天都重复着昨日的生活,这令她感到十分的无聊。麦克有一个梦想,那就是购买一辆越野车,在撒哈拉沙漠疯狂的飙车。一天,麦克参加了海关组织的拍卖会,在拍卖会上,她以意外便宜的价格买下了一辆吉普车,让麦克没有想到的是,她竟然在吉普车里发现了50公斤…
  • 林语惊父母离异,她跟随父亲转学到陌生城市。面对重组家庭,林语惊内心充满忐忑,但也得到了继母和继兄的真心关爱。本以为很难融入新集体的林语惊在新学校很快结识了一帮有趣的同学,她的到来也给性格孤僻的留级生同桌沈倦带来了变化。但渐入正轨的生活却被林语惊的母亲林芷打破,她强行将林语惊带回老家。一年后,林语惊与沈倦在大学重逢,她得…
  • 大神总裁叶天被困盘古系统生命遭遇危机,虚拟格斗一姐白薇展开营救的奇幻甜爱故事。
  • [ Đời Này Có Em] Bà mẹ đơn thân Đàm Tĩnh sống cùng cậu con trai mắc bệnh tim bẩm sinh. Để tiết kiệm tiền phẫu thuật cho con trai, Đàm Tĩnh làm việc chăm chỉ và sống chắt chiu. Dù cuộc sống khó khăn nhưng cô không hề oán hận…
  • Karena Cinta (Because of Love) Tan Jing seorang ibu tunggal dan anaknya yang memiliki penyakit jantung dari lahir hidup bersama, agar bisa mengumpulkan uang untuk biaya operasi, Tan Jing bekerja keras setiap hari. Meskipun kehidupan mereka sangat kekurangan, tapi Tan Jing tidak pernah mengeluh, dan tetap berusaha keras…
  • 国产剧悬疑
  • A detective and genius college student who was born into a family of thieves teaming up to crack cases.
  • Tan Jing is a single mother whose son has natural heart disease. In order to save up for her son's surgery, she leads a thrifty life. However, she has no complaints and lives life positively, raising her son Sun Ping to be obedient and sensible. Nie Yu Sheng is a heart surgeon who is working on funding a surgery projec…
  • Because of a public service announcement (PSA) for suicide intervention, He Dun encounters a huge blow in her career as a psychologist. Feeling low, she goes out for a meal with her best friend where she accidentally runs into Jia Hui and Qian Kai Yi. Qian Kai Yi is the host of a radio program that deals with emotional…