搜索 Madalena

  • The family Paix?o runs a farm for wedding parties, but the business is not going well. While the love between the parents, Vanessa and Daniel appears to have ended, the grandparents, Luisa and Joaquim, seem inseparable; and the children, Rita and Marco, have completely distinct opinions about love.
  • 当罗安达市的空调神秘地开始倒塌时,马塔西多(保安)和泽齐尼亚(女佣)的任务是找回老板的空调。
  • 万物皆有法则 就连人与人之间的缘分也逃不开一首动人的诗歌 一段破碎的婚姻 一夜忽然而至的访客开启两个女人之间的奇妙友谊在不断深入的交谈之中 渐渐熟悉彼此 无法克制的产生了灵魂之间的共鸣所谓爱情 或许只在片刻的火花中点燃此片堪称巴西清纯文艺版“罗马的房子”需要细细品味这段“小三与正妻”的激情碰撞~